FSPPM Public Challenge

NAUCode Solutions has recently completed the Public Challenge project: Exploring Public Policies – an exciting website that we developed for the Training Department of Fulbright School of Public Policy and Management (FSPPM).

With the goal of increasing enrollment for the Master’s program in Public Policy at FSPPM in August, we developed the WebApp “PUBLIC CHALLENGE” – a quiz-based game to learn about public policies. Players have the opportunity to win a one-on-one online conversation with a Fulbright alumni.

With the accelerated timeline, we ensured that the product not only met high-quality standards but was also completed within a short period. This was demonstrated through 2 weeks of development, followed by 3 weeks of customer support and product operation.

NAUCode is honored to accompany FSPPM in this project and we look forward to a bright and dynamic future for the field of Public Policy in Vietnam.


Develop the WebApp "PUBLIC CHALLENGE" - a quiz-based game for the Training Department of Fulbright School of Public Policy and Management (FSPPM)

  • Client

    Fulbright School of Public Policy and Management

  • Product Type

    Interactive game, WebApp

  • Scope of Work

    Product development, Engagement design, Alumni booking system

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